
Parenting Seminar 2023 : Prevent Bully, be a H.E.R.O.

Parenting Seminar 2023 : Prevent Bully, be a H.E.R.O

SD Islam Al Azhar 52 Sidoarjo hosted a highly successful parenting seminar on Saturday, September 30, 2023, with the theme “Prevent Bully, be a H.E.R.O (Help, Educate, Report, Overcome).” The event took place both in-person and online at the Sarirogo Sidoarjo Campus’s 7th-floor Auditorium. Keynote speaker H. Muhammad Syamsyun M.Pd, affectionately known as Kak Acun, delivered an impactful presentation, shedding light on the dangers of bullying and educating parents on how to raise children who stand against bullying and become resilient.

The seminar garnered enthusiastic support from the Jamiyyah SD Islam Al Azhar 52 Sidoarjo, sparking emotional moments during the reflective session. It is expected that parents, armed with this knowledge, will better address bullying at home. This collaborative effort between the school and parents holds promise in creating a safer and more inclusive environment for students, fostering their well-being.

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